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IBM’s New Patent Will Improve AR in Gaming Technology

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IBM Augmented Reality Technology
Written by Adam Green

IBM (International Business Machines) has applied for a brand new patent for improving the AR (Augmented Reality) systems. The new patent will support the prevention of the players from entering the restricted zones. It briefly means that this patent will be a guard of the owners’ marketed locations from the users.

Security vulnerabilities in the AI (Augmented Reality) games

Some of the games which benefit from this technology are Pokemon Go and Zombie Go. Besides, Augmented Reality (AR) technology can also be used for monitoring the locations past views and other purposes.

IBM aims to improve the physical usage of Augmented Reality with its brand new patent. There are some sensitive locations where AR (Augmented Reality) applications and games should not access because there is a risk for the players or users to monitor these restricted locations for malicious purposes by using attack vectors.

AR system recognises a transaction regarding a specific location and verifies it. Blockchain system will defence the data location by following the inventory. By the help of Blockchain technology, it will be possible to use a more secure ledger list which is robust against revisions and modifications.

IBM Augmented Reality for Technology Support Services

All data will be stored in the Blockchain network

Above all, the system will consist of a neural network which has got a machine-learning ability. This system will learn the interactions at various locations. By this way, it will be possible to store the data on the Blockchain network.

This innovation means a generation of risk forecast by a neural network based on historical transactions. By utilising these ML (Machine-Learning) rules, it will be possible to protect the users from potential risks.

Although the patent is a newcomer, the launch of the product may have some delay. IBM is a giant investor in the Blockchain market. To support its investments, they formed mergers with Linux Foundation and Maersk.

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